Gender: male
DOB: October 202
Breed: Podengo mix
Size: medium
Rescued from a toxic landfill in February 2022. Currently only available for fostering!
There was a first dog, Xica, that belonged to a man working in this area. He left his job and also left the dog there. She had puppies, some survived, some not. They started to breed in the group. Many dogs died because the area is really toxic. The dogs drank water contaminated by the waster, and they died from it.
As soon as Bianca learned about this, we started to rescue all dogs. We have rescued lots of puppies, since 2020, about 40 puppies, in very hard conditions for humans to go. The air is unbreathable in that area and there is hazardous waster everywhere…
In these years we rescued not only about 40 puppies, but also 5 adult dogs, 3 females and 2 males. One female is still in the area, but we are working hard to get her.
All the traps was used to save these animals. Xica was the first dog rescued, because she was sociable and it was more or less easy to capture her. She was adopted by Sofia and Bia, the two humans that since they found this situation in that area, and alerted us, never disconnected from these animals and were always their caretakers and protectors until the last animal was rescued.