Honey – Reserved

Gender: female
DoB: February 2023
Breed: undetermined
Size: medium
Weight: 17 kg
Height: 50 cm

Features: vaccinated, dewormed, and sterilised

I like the name I’ve been given, Honey 🙂 It’s just like me, sweet. As you can see, I’m pretty and vain. So far I’ve had no luck… I’ve lived on a balcony… It seems to happen a lot when people are irresponsible and don’t have the time or patience to look after people like me. We need to go outside and go potty, because we’re not made of clay! But since there are also responsible people like the one who saved me from that life, I can say that I was lucky. Will I continue to be lucky? Will I ❤️?

Also available for fostering!