The project “Bianca’s Ambassadors” is an expression of solidarity to our animal friends.
Because in Portugal thousands of pets are abandoned each year;
Because they continue to be mistreated and be victims of abuse from which they often die;
Because moral and social values are lacking in society so people are unable to understand the noble, loyal and gentle nature of these friends;
Because people lack the intelligence to understand their capacity to feel and to love;
And because if we don’t start to respect these living beings we will never be able to respect other human beings and mother nature.
It’s urgent to start developing a big national sensitisation campaign that will teach people that animals are our best friends so they would not hesitate to consider them like family members – which is exactly how animals at home should be treated.
Bianca believes that we all must work for it and every day we should take one step forward, no matter how small. If we raise our voice to defend the animal welfare, we will be planting a seed that will grow stronger and stronger. If we believe that we can make a difference than we can. We will accomplish our goals. Yes, my friends, we can do it!
Our Ambassadors are national and international public figures that joined us in this noble cause against the abandonment of animals. Let’s work together to create a future in which we will be able to state with pride that Portugal is one of those European countries where animals are peoples’ best friends.
The words of our Ambassadors:

“Animals are one of the most important things to me and seeing first hand whilst volunteering the hard work that goes into maintaining Bianca and keeping their dogs happy and healthy is wonderful. There are so many friendly, lovely dogs at Bianca who would make perfect pets that are looking for new homes after being abandoned or ill-treated. I would urge everybody thinking of getting a dog to choose to adopt from a sanctuary rather than buying. To give a dog who has been abandoned or ill-treated, a new family is something very special. I also admire the education that Bianca provides for school children. They show children what goes into having a pet dog and the consequences of abandoning and ill-treating animals. Volunteering has been fantastic and getting to know each dog’s personality has been very special, I have made lots of friends and will be back soon!”
Lucy Grace,
“Congratulations to Ana Duarte and his whole team working hard to bring comfort to these abandoned animals who asked nothing, just want to live next to the owner.
Over 300 dogs in association BIANCA waiting to give love and happiness to be human…
And we need “purity” nowadays. Because animals are pure, just give.
The relationship of humans to animals is changing (in a good way) increasingly in Portugal… Continue!
Hugs to all!”
Ruben Alves,
Director and Actor

“Living with animals can be a wonderful experience, especially if we choose to learn the valuable lessons animals teach through their natural enthusiasm, grace, resourcefulness, affection and forgiveness.” – Richard H. Pitcairn, American Veterinarian, Pet Nutritionist and Author.
Anne Clark is a British singer and poet.
The artist has released dozens of albums and singles and her work can be seen on his official site
Anne Clarks says: “As well as these themes running through my writing and music I try to live in a way that shows tolerance, respect and compassion for all living beings. Only in this way can we make the world a better place for all of us.”
It was a great pleasure to have received Anne Clark in Bianca!
“Dogs are pure love.” – Diana Gabaldon
Diana Gabaldon is the author of the award-winning, #1 NYT-bestselling Outlander novels, described by Salon magazine as “the smartest historical sci-fi adventure-romance story ever written by a science Ph.D. with a background in scripting “Scrooge McDuck” comics.”
The adventure began in 1991 with the classic Outlander (“historical fiction with a Moebius twist”), has continued through six more New York Times-bestselling novels – Dragonfly in Amber, Voyager, Drums of Autumn, The Fiery Cross, A Breath of Snow and Ashes, An Echo in the Bone, with nineteen million copies in print worldwide, and with an eight, Written In My Own Heart’s Blood, in the pipeline.
The series is published in 29 countries and 26 languages and includes a nonfiction (well, relatively) companion volume, The outlandish Companion, and a graphic novel, The Exile. Diana has also written several books in a sub-series featuring Lord John Grey (a major-minor character from the main series).
Along the way, the Outlander series has spawned a concept CD, Outlander: The Musical, while Starz is currently developing a cable-TV series. She and her husband, Douglas Watkins, have three adult children and two Dachshunds (JJ and Homer) and live mostly in Scottsdale, Arizona.

“This is Barny. Although he isn’t mine, I used to have a Bichon just like him. Archie was part of my life for 17 years. He was everything to me as I could only have an hypoallergenic animal. He was like a brother to me and I hold wonderful memories of him. He is truly missed. I don’t own a dog now due to my lifestyle as a singer but every dog I see I want to hold and love like my own and this organisation will help me do that. x”
Emily Lynn,

From the day of my 11th birthday when Snowie entered my life, through 43 years of marriage with only 10 days without a dog (a long 10 days!), my life has been coloured and enriched by a series of faithful canine companions, the latest of whom, Anna, brings me the first smile of each new day. And now I am fortunate enough to be able to call hundreds of other dogs in a Sesimbra shelter, geographically many miles away but no distance away from my heart, my new friends.
“Heaven goes by favour; if it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in” Mark Twain
Mike Gibb
Playwright/ Scotland

“The existence of life in this planet has never been described without reference to animals. They existed before us and continue with us. This says a lot for me or even say everything.
I have always lived surrounded by animals and their presence makes me a better person and happier and I certainly am not the only one to feel it.
Let us try to give back what they give us so genuine and true. “
Rita Redshoes

“Animals impress me for their authenticity. My dog Gean is a magical friend with lots of surprises because he makes my return home a pleasant, new and comforting moment. He’s running around and all the welcome licks are the best anti-stress medicine. Animals are authentic and wonderful and I consider abandonment and mistreatments inflicted to animals a repugnant act. It is with great pride that I accept to be Bianca’s ambassador, recognizing the collective effort of the volunteers in order to improve the life of hundreds of animals on a daily basis.”
Rui Santos

“When I born, there were dogs in my home and we always will have dogs! I can guarantee they are unconditional friends and always in such good humour. It doesn’t matter how my day was, I know when I return home they will be there to cheer me up.
I found out about Bianca by one of it campaings and since then I started to contribute to this noble cause with food and medication.
After a while I realized I needed to help more and with that this opportunitty of me being Bianca’s Ambassador appear.
My wish is to all of you who have means and conditions to help, please do. Bianca is an institution that saved hundreds of abandoned and mistreated animals and needs our help to continued to grow and help even more.
Join this cause and contribute in an active way for animal welfare, and of course, for our society.”
João Zuzarte Reis,
Piloto de Off-Road

“The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man.” (Charles Darwin)
Naide Gomes,

Eunice Muñoz,

Mahatma Gandhi, one of the major personalities of reference of the XXth Century who even now continues to be an inspiration for thousands of people around the world contained, in a simple sentence, what I feel about how us, humans, should relate to animals. He said: “The greatness of the nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”
It is about the greatness of a soul, about the moral based mostly on love, happiness and even compassion. It is what makes us more noble, better person.
If it is not like that, then the human turns into e despicable being, selfish and useless.
I cannot even imagine what goes in ahead of someone who opens the door of a car to abandon an animal, just because it is inconvenient because the family is going on holidays.
I cannot imagine what goes in ahead of two people who separate and who leave their dogs or cats in a municipal establishment to have them killed or to have them may be adopted by some merciful soul. Someone can imagine a couple that divorces that would put up their children for adoption because they don’t want to keep them anymore?
Our animals are an integral part of our family.
We have them vaccinated, we feed them, we educate them. We suffer when they suffer, we cry when they disappear, we are angry with them sometimes or we praise them, depending on the situation. But in all circumstances, I think we never give them as much as they give us, in a completely selfless way. They can give us great lessons about the nobility of spirit. They do not care about what is our language, skin colour if we are pretty or ugly, or handicapped. They only care about love and attention. So simply. And such a great life lesson.
Clara de Sousa,

Adelaide de Sousa,
Journalist – “Sic Mulher”

Pets are, undoubtedly, our great companions, they are never upset with us, they are always ready to play and to give us affection and when they see us – they are full of joy.
The big problem is that there are others “animals”, from our own kind, that abandon, that neglect, that mistreat their faithful companions.
Bianca fights every day for the well being of the animal and against mistreatment and abandonment. But it’s not enough: Bianca needs support from all of us! Even small support can make a difference and help those who really need!
It’s with great pride that I accepted to be one of Bianca’s Ambassadors and I’m willing to embrace this cause because like me there are many other people who want to fight for the quality life of our animals.
Francisco Mendes,
TV Host

Since I was a little girl I always had pets at home and clearly some of my best and dearest memories come from my childhood.
It is up to us to fight against animal mistreatment, just like we do with people. Institutions like Bianca are sometimes the last resort and the ultimate salvation for hundreds of abandoned cats and dogs. This is where they find their salvation. A small contribution from all of us can mean a lot to those who have little.
Keep up the good work.
Joana Duarte,
The abandon of an animal is a cruel act, punished by law and morally wrong. Animals deserve our respect, affection, solidarity and friendship. It’s how they treat us.
We decide to support Bianca because Bianca has been doing a meritorious work defending and protecting abandoned animals and victims of abuse and because we believe that it is possible to say “no” to abandonment and to prove we are civilised people. Join us!
Nelson e Sérgio Rosado,
‘Os Anjos’ – Singers

I’m Helena Laureano and you might know me as an actress, but now I’m here as an aminal lover and a friend. When I come back home I love to have all my dogs around me, they are so happy to see me back and they show their joy and enthusiasm. Animals are like that: loyal, faithful and our true friends. I have Sesimbra in my heart, I was born there and grew up there and I love that town! I also have Bianca in my heart, they do awesome, gigantic and incredible work, rescuing hundreds of animals each year. The heart of those people is huge. Congratulations! I accept to be Bianca Ambassador with pride because I believe in this project and I will fight with them against abandonment of pets. We live in a civilised country so we should behave like that. Say NO to abandonment!
Helena Laureano,