
Gender: male
DOB: 2016
Breed: undetermined
Size: small
Height: 35 cm
Weight: 9 kg

I’m Quim, Quinzinho to my friends, and now I have many. I am 7 years old. I never expected in my life to have so many friends, so much comfort and not to have anyone hurting me. They still haven’t found what happened to me that day, but they think I was hit by a car and rolled on the ground, because
not only was my paw broken, but my body was skinned and cut. Woe betide anyone who touched me, and I gave a lot of trouble to the two ladies who rescued me, and I even bit one of them. I think I’ve already apologised. If I’d known then what I know now, I’d have turned myself in straight away.
Little did I know. Now I have a “bed and breakfast” and they even give me chicken. Long live luxury!

Also available for fostering!